Sunday, 9 October 2011

My Cumulus Depth...

coconut beaches
creeping against the lips

phosphorescent and pulsing
relationship of stone

systematic and enduring
all the day they roared with bees...

dry and white by midsummer
feelings were ash-gray

spangled with sunset at the top
wrinkled aspen leaves

of someone kissed in sleep;
in the darkness cold muzzles

between the burnt peaks
the half-moon rides

smoky and indistinct
a small dense cumulus cloud

peaks deep in itself; without a quiver
just that sea and me-


indefinable  divided the outline of your body
 my hook snagged in a struggle of desire

 body moves on
from your navel to where the darkness begins

imperfect and constant inside me
to throw in your river

my hair hangs surly and limp;
. i throw an arm over you

Our naked shivering bodies
in the dark  endless-


there’s a leaf falling -
a pack of dogs loose in my dream
the fuzz of dried grass
catches fire
as it lays eggs inside me..

please suggest me a title-


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Double death is good but how is my cumulus depth?

  3. thanks tony for being a member of my space...Welcome!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
